Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Teach Baby to Talk with mirroring

The best time to start teaching your baby how to talk is from the instant the baby is born.
Hearing the voices of parents, family and carers creates profound changes in a baby's brain by making essential learning pathways.

The cells grow and link in ways that develop memory and awareness, which leads to an increased ability to learn even more. The impact is a bit like pouring water into a balloon. The more water you pour in, the larger the balloon gets.

Most human brain growth happens in the first three years of life, when the major skills are learned. Many Scientists believe that the brain development that takes place in the first three years of life is larger than all the development that occurs during a person’s complete lifetime.

It's good to know some basic methods to teach baby to talk.
This technique below, is called "Mirroring" and is valuable up to the age of about 12 months or one year.
  1. make sure baby isn't hungry, sleepy or irritated by a wet or dirty diaper
  2. hold baby so that your face is about 18 inches ( 40cm) away from baby's face.
    • lie baby on your lap when very young, or hold up with head supported
  3. smile and open your eyes wide to get baby's interest
  4. say a single uncomplicated sound, like "ah" in a slightly higher pitch than normal
  5. exaggerate the movement of your mouth while you speak
  6. wait for your baby to respond ( he possible won't say anything but he will be paying attention)
  7. watch for signs of pleasure or excitement, like smiling, opening and closing fists, waving arms
  8. repeat the sequence ( speak, wait)
  9. when the infant responds maybe with the same sound or his own sound, smile and laugh to display you're pleasedhe made the effort.
  10. YOU copy the sound BABY makes
  11. repeat this sequence to develop the rhythm of "taking turns" like a conversation.
When you copy the sound an infant makes, you are sending a signal to an infant that what he just did is appreciated and that you want him to do it again. In other words, baby learns to exercise his mouth muscles and that speaking is fun.
In the video beneath, you can see a dad using these mirroring tactics brilliantly , using just vowel sounds and funny entertaining sounds:

Take note of the sounds your baby makes and as baby grows older, he will add more and more sounds.

You can also start to introduce new easy sounds like bah, mah, gah. The consonant sounds b,m,g are the easiest for young babies to say

As well as these focused, daily, 'instructing' sessions, you should be talking to baby all the time about what you are doing, what he's doing, using normal language, but spoken slowly, brightly and clearly.
At each and every phase of your baby's development, there are various tactics you can learn and use to teach baby to talk.