When babies hear the same sound spoken over and over they will start to want to say it themselves. When baby is in the first few weeks and months we can make this process even better by focusing on the simple sounds "Oh" "Ah" "Oo". These are the first sounds you will hear a baby make because they are the easiest.
Each sound is made in the same way and the only difference is the shape of the mouth and lips. So as well as repeating these first sounds back to baby ( mirroring ) we can increase the number of times baby hears each of the sounds, by playing games in a "communication game".
A "Hide and Reveal" Game to play
Hide your face behind a scarf, a book, a magazine - just for 3-4 seconds, then move the object away, open your eyes wide as you look at baby and say "AH! " . The aim here is to make the baby curious, not to scare him. If you keep your face out of view for longer than a few seconds and if you shout, the baby will get distressed and cry - the opposite effect of the delight you want. Repeat this about 4 or 5 times and the baby will come to understand the game and look forward to it.
Repeat the game several times a day. Each week change the sound you make so one week it is AH!, the next week, make it EE! then the next week OO!
Each sound is made in the same way and the only difference is the shape of the mouth and lips. So as well as repeating these first sounds back to baby ( mirroring ) we can increase the number of times baby hears each of the sounds, by playing games in a "communication game".
A "Hide and Reveal" Game to play

Repeat the game several times a day. Each week change the sound you make so one week it is AH!, the next week, make it EE! then the next week OO!